Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Actions


The ANR ESPOIR (Edge Simulation of the Physics Of Iter Relevant turbulent transport) associates the pumas  team with the M2P2, LPIIM and LATP laboratories in Marseille and IRFM in Cadarache to investigate edge plasma turbulence. The numerical simulation of the plasma wall interactions requires efficient codes and thus the development of advanced numerical methods and solvers. The aim of this project is to study different numerical strategies for edge plasma models in the real geometrical and magnetical configurations corresponding to the future Iter machine.


ANEMOS : Advanced Numeric for Elms : Models and Optimized Strategies associates JAD Laboratory/Inria (Nice, Manager), IRFM-CEA (Cadarache), “Maison de la Simulation (Saclay)” and Inria EPI Bacchus (Bordeaux)

Elms are disruptive instabilities occurring in the edge region (SOL) of a tokamak plasma. The development of Elms poses a major challenge in magnetic fusion research with tokamaks, as these instabilities can damage plasma-facing components, particularly divertor plates. The mitigation or suppression of large Elms is a critical issue for successful operation of ITER. Goal for ANEMOS is to develop and improve numerical tools in order to simulate physical mechanisms of Elms and qualifies some strategies for their control. We then need to design efficient numerical strategies on the most advanced computers available such as to contribute to the science base underlying of proposed burning plasma tokamak experiments such as ITER.